Brian Eno loves anagrams, as you can tell if you have read "more dark than shark".
this misterious name is actually an anagram of his name:

It is fairly simple, though: just
replace each character by its alphabetic predecessor.

                         B --> C
                         R --> S
                         I --> J
                         A --> B
                         N --> O
                         E --> F
                         N --> O
                         O --> P

other famous anagrams appear on the record TO ALASKA..., from
a group called TANIT, I am really not sure why, if Brian 
collaborated with them, why does not his name appear, instead 
you will find:

IBN'AROEN    Arabic Percussions
A.N. BONIER  Boly Bass
BEN O'RIAN   Irish Harp
NINA BORE    Tedious Vocals interjections